Just Eat Takeaway

client since 2016

Just Eat Takeaway

After successful publication of the 2022 annual report, TD Cascade set up a creative session with Just Eat Takeaway in the summer of 2023 to determine upcoming reporting objectives, and how to improve production process and output quality.

As a result, new and more storytelling in support of brand narrative, a new and optimized screen-friendly format, a clear structure and navigation to improve readability and a substantial reduction in size.

From 276 pages in 2022 to 192 pages in the new report; 30% reduction in size by optimizing grid and page layout and improving visuals like graphs, charts and tables. By adding more interactivity and new navigation improved accessibility and overall user-experience.

The production of the annual report is a tightly organized and semi-automated process installed by TD Cascade in which raw output generated by Sturnis – used for content and data management by Just Eat Takeaway – is embedded in design templates developed and managed by TD Cascade.


Design & layout – Art direction – Project management


  • Integrated report


  • Interactive PDF
  • XBRL / ESEF package


  • Sturnis / Wordsflow




We bring clarity in complexity and identify what truly matters.