Who we are

TD Cascade helps organizations shape their most important story of the year. Because the annual report has long since ceased to be about dry figures before and after charges, but about value creation and authenticity. Relevance, stakeholder interests and especially social impact are key.  

From our expertise in corporate identity and information design, TD Cascade is a true specialist when it comes to designing annual reports.

From storytelling and data visualization to coding and tooling - we ensure that a report meets the most current standards in terms of design, user experience and media usage.

We visualize ambition, strategy and performance, create awareness of values and commitment, and make complex data transparent and accessible. At TD Cascade, we know how to translate content into engaging reporting. Unique, recognizable, transparent and credible.

Therefore, there are no off-the-shelf reporting solutions, there is only customization. From a one-off report to continuous multi-channel reporting, our dedicated and experienced team of consultants, designers and developers ensures a suitable reporting solution that seamlessly matches our clients' communication needs and the complexity of the internal process.

Our vision

In recent years, the content and form of the annual (financial) report has completely changed. Key words in that transition are transparency, stakeholder interests and especially social relevance. For example, the annual report is no longer about dry figures before and after taxes, but about value creation and authenticity. Financial and non-financial results united in an integrated report.

After all, society forces organizations to assess environmental, social, managerial performance and financial results on an equal level. This is the only way to create appreciation as an organization among stakeholders, citizens, governments and all those other stakeholders.

Integrated reporting has changed the way organizations think, plan and report. Once again, identity and core values are at the forefront.

Meanwhile, technology has not stood still either. Printed annual reports are rare. Reporting is increasingly done online, multi-channel, interactive and continuous. Digitization makes annual reports more accessible to a wider audience. The reach and impact of the annual report is only increasing.

Our clients

TD Cascade produces annual reports for listed and leading companies in the real estate, housing, banking, insurance and utilities sectors, among others. But also for organizations in the public and social sectors.

In choosing Cascade, they choose expertise and reliability alongside creativity and perseverance.

Our clients are assured of a highly experienced team of senior designers who, together with our 'tooling' and content partners, simply make very good annual reports. Our loyal client base proves it. And that is saying something. About the quality of our work and our approach.